How much does a will and trust cost? What is the price of an estate plan? We know how difficult it is to work with lawyers on an hourly basis and facing uncertain fees and costs. To ease your mind we strive to offer a flat fee quote for all clients.
Will, Trust, Estate Planning Fee & Price Structures
Please understand the fee structures outlined below are not an offer for legal services. Every case, including yours, is truly unique. A firm fee quote will be provided to you on a written engagement letter only after a round of free consultation, clearing all conflict-of-interest in compliance with California law, and after we both feel comfortable with each other to move forward as a team.
Firm Capacity
Client satisfaction is our top priority. To best serve all of our clients, we limit the number of new and active clients we have at any time. We believe it is in your best interest to have your estate plan completed as soon as possible. If we are not able to take your case at this time, please understand that it is so we can best serve all of our clients with the time and attention that each deserve.
Legal services are not a commodity. Attorneys have unique and varying degrees of experience, time, compassion, technology, support staff, and level of expertise in different areas of the law.
Experience matters when you are dealing with highly technical fields. Estate planning, even within the realm of law in general, is a complex field where many separate areas of the law collide into conflict.
In a world where you largely get what you pay for, the lowest fee may not produce the best results and customer experience.
You are not a commodity. You are a unique person with specific goals and desires, and your relationship with your family and loved ones, the cultural background and ethnic norms that you are accustomed to, and your expectations of what a lawyer should do for you, makes you and every other client unique.
To fully serve your needs, we provide a flat fee quote after obtaining as much information as possible so that there are no surprise fees later on. This fee may differ from your friends or family because of your differing and unique situations.
With our firm, you can be confident that only licensed attorneys will review and draft each of your estate planning documents personally without reliance on secretaries or paralegals. You will also be communicating with your attorney for the entire duration of your case. Our approach ensures maximum quality control and a personal touch for each case made possible only with committed boutique law firms.
For most estate planning cases we are able to provide a flat fee quote after an initial free consultation — this is also against industry norms and we do this to increase customer satisfaction.
Contact us today and tell us how we can help you and your family.
Married Couples’ Case
Flat fee starting from $3,500.
This package is appropriate for couples who are currently married. Certain persons who are currently married also have an option of doing a separate/single case.
What package is best for you will be explained by our attorneys after a thorough consultation, and you will choose the package based on that consultation.
A customized complete estate plan.
Joint Revocable Living Trust.
Certificate of Trust.
Durable Power of Attorney (each).
Advance Healthcare Directive (each).
Pour-Over Will (each).
Trust Transfer Deed (for real property, if any).
Priority of your case being taken by our firm in the future for trust amendments and other related cases.
Flat fee packages do not include in-person meetings. In-person meetings can be added to any flat fee package at a discounted rate of $300/hour.
Please understand that some factors may increase this fee:
Additional properties ($500 for each additional property).
Separate or Jointly owned property, and the decision to keep them separate or to convert them to joint.
Resolving issues with real property titles (transmutations; corrections; extra transfers; etc.)
Foreign residency/citizenship.
International assets and beneficiaries.
Pre- or Post-nuptial agreements.
Divorce/Spousal/Child orders.
Any costs are the client’s responsibility and typically include:
Notarization costs.
Real property recording costs with the county.
Court costs (rarely needed).
We do not charge for mailing, postage, paper, office supplies, or any other overhead.
or, hourly rate of $400/hour.
Single Case
Flat fee starting from $2,500.
This package is appropriate for persons who have never been married, or have been divorced or widowed. Certain persons who are engaged or currently married also have an option of choosing this package. What package is best for you will be explained by our attorneys after a thorough consultation, and you will choose the package based on that consultation.
This flat fee package includes:
A customized complete estate plan.
Revocable Living Trust
Certificate of Trust.
Durable Power of Attorney.
Advance Healthcare Directive.
Pour-Over Will.
Trust Transfer Deed (for real property, if any).
Priority of your case being taken by our firm in the future for trust amendments and other related cases.
Flat fee packages do not include in-person meetings. In-person meetings can be added to any flat fee package at a discounted rate of $300/hour.
Please understand that some factors may increase this fee:
Additional properties ($500 for each additional property).
Separate or Jointly owned property, and the decision to keep them separate or to convert them to joint.
Resolving issues with real property titles (transmutations; corrections; extra transfers; etc.)
Foreign residency/citizenship.
International assets and beneficiaries.
Pre- or Post-nuptial agreements.
Divorce/Spousal/Child orders.
Any costs are the client’s responsibility and typically include:
Notarization costs.
Real property recording costs with the county.
Court costs (rarely needed).
We do not charge for mailing, postage, paper, office supplies, or any other overhead.
or, hourly rate of $400/hour.
Other Services
Simple Wills: from $1,500.
A simple will needs to be probated and has no tax savings provisions and allows only the simplest distribution framework. Not recommended for most persons with assets, real property, or children; such persons would most likely need a full estate plan with a revocable trust.
Deeds: from $500.
Deeds show ownership of property and how title is held. We can assist with deed filings, corrections, title changes, research, and other estate planning related real estate deed matters.
Power of Attorney: $700.
Durable power of attorney allows your loved ones to help take care of you in cases of your incapacity and can help you avoid conservatorship proceedings. Every person should have a valid durable power of attorney in place.
Healthcare Directive: $700.
Any costs are the client’s responsibility and typically include:
Notarization costs.
Real property recording costs with the county.
Court costs (rarely needed).
We do not charge for mailing, postage, paper, office supplies, or any other overhead.
or, hourly rate of $400/hour.
In-person meetings.
Real property title research and correction.
Acting as your attorney-in-fact to communicate with all third-parties including financial institutions, CPAs, CFPs, funeral homes, colleges and universities, etc.
Acquisition, review, and guidance of all financial accounts, including the renaming of beneficiaries on designated beneficiary accounts.
Speaker, Educator, Consultant
Prof. Jay S. Yu, Esq. can travel to speak anywhere in the United States, for one-hour single day events to multi-day conventions, to lecture on how individual persons can save money and time through estate planning, and how organizations can make this more efficient for the benefit of everyone.
Learn a variety of estate planning topics specific to your organization, such as: Life Insurance Planning for Businesses; Buy-Sell Agreements; Buy-Out Agreements; Partnership Agreements; Structured Settlements, etc.
Accompanying lecture materials and practical resources available
Group discounts
Remote/On-line seminars available
Pro bono services in this field are regularly offered to the following groups:
Government entities and organizations;
Hospitals and health-related fields;
Senior-related care centers.
Please contact Ms. Karen Wang at karen@yuandyulaw.com for scheduling and further details.